Our program consists of small classes in well equipped, inviting rooms. The students’ day consists of play, art activities, practice with both small and large motor skills, reading, manipulatives and music in their classrooms. There is also dramatic play, cooking and science activities, circle time, and free choice activities. The classes attend music, movement, or art each day.  The children play outside on our playground in all, but very cold or rainy weather. The Threes and Fours/Pre-K attend monthly story time at the Morgan County Library along with other field trips. The Fours/Pre-K attend chapel each week led by church staff. Additionally our Pre-K program consists of the Animated Alphabet, Read Right from the Start, and Heggerty. Our children consistently score 100% ready for Kindergarten on the GKAP. Our school is designated a Program of Excellence for Young Children by the United Methodist Church.

Speech and developmental screenings for children 3 years and older are done, at the request of parent or teacher, by the Morgan County School System Special Services staff. Individual photos are made in the fall and spring by Jason White Photography. Class pictures are made in the spring. Parent –teacher conferences are held in the spring for Pre-K and on an as needed basis for others. Fundraisers are held in the fall and spring. We have holiday and birthday parties in each class culminating in our Graduation and End of the Year celebrations. Our daily schedule begins each morning with carpool at 8:00am and ends promptly at 12:00noon.

Our Pre-K program is accredited by the State of Georgia with our children consistently scoring 100% ready for Kindergarten on the GKAP.

We have 2 classes that are led by board certified Pre-K teachers and 2 teachers aides.
The curriculum includes, but is not limited to:

  • Fundations for literacy
  • Heggerty, phonemic awareness
  • Number Talks
  • Georgia Early Learning Developmental Stages (GELDS) aligned

Along with education, our children are enriched by specials classes daily that include STEM, art, music, movement and a weekly school-wide chapel.

Ones: All children must be one year old by August 1st. Classes are offered M/W or T/Th. If your child is 24 mos. old, they are able to attend M/W/F or 5 Days a week.

Twos: Classes are offered M/W/F or 5 days a week.

Threes: Classes are offered 5 days a week.

Pre-K: Classes are offered 5 days a week.

Tuition is monthly and is paid through our Brightwheel programming service.

5 Days a week: $327/month

3 Days a week: $205/month

2 Days a week: $155/month

Monday – Friday
8AM – 12PM

Carpool line begins in the morning at 8AM, ending at 8:15. Carpool pickup begins at 11:45AM and ends at 12PM at the end of the day.

Do not send a visibly ill or uncomfortable child to school. Do not send a child who has been sick during
the night to school. Please observe 24 hours without fever, vomiting, or diarrhea before sending your
child back to school. If your child becomes ill or injured at school, we will make every attempt to contact
you. If that is unsuccessful, we will then contact one of the other emergency contacts on the information
sheet. Your child will be isolated and cared for until you or someone with your permission arrives.
If your child is diagnosed with a communicable illness (i.e. strep throat, pink eye, chicken pox or fever)
please notify the director and or teacher. We then ask that you observe a 24-hour waiting period after
medication has begun before returning your child to school. Medications will not be given out at school.

ALL children must have an up-to-date immunization form on file. The director will
access the forms from the Georgia Immunization Registry (GRITS) online registry.
Madison FUMC Preschool does not accept immunization exemptions.

If Morgan County schools are closed for any reason, including inclement weather, the preschool will also
be closed. If weather or other circumstances should require the closing of the preschool while children are present,
we will notify you or another emergency contact. At that time, the regular carpool procedure will be in
place. Tuition Payments will NOT be refunded if schools are closed for 2 weeks or less due to health risks. In
the event schools are closed for more than 2 weeks, parents will be issued a credit or refunded tuition
(minus 2-week non-refundable period).

We love to celebrate holidays and birthdays (the children’s and ours!)
Holiday parties will be held per the school calendar at 11:00, unless otherwise set by the teacher. A sign-
up sheet for Party Hosts will be in your child’s classroom during Open House.
Birthday parties must be cleared through your child’s teacher and will be accommodated so as not to
conflict with already scheduled classroom activities.
The Preschool will not distribute party invitations for private parties unless every child in the class gets an invitation. No Exceptions.

A child entering the Threes class at the beginning of September should be sufficiently toilet-trained to spend three hours in class without having “accidents” and should be cooperative when asked to use the restroom at periodic intervals. Three year old classrooms are not equipped to handle children still in diapers or pull-ups. If your child requests your help with hygiene, we encourage you to teach them proper techniques, as they should handle these tasks independently while at school.
Each child should be wearing underwear, not Pull-Ups or diapers, at school.

We want make the process of finding the right preschool as easy as we can for parents. Madison First UMC Preschool is committed to building relationships with everyone who walks through our doors. Please call or email with any questions!

Jen Zappa, Preschool Director

Preschool Facebook Page

Spaghetti Supper!

Join your preschool family on October 3rd in the Wesley Sanctuary…