At Madison First UMC Preschool, we are committed to providing children a warm, caring, Christian environment where they can socialize, explore, learn, and grow.
Our program consists of small classes in well equipped, inviting rooms. The students’ day consists of play, art activities, practice with both small and large motor skills, reading, and manipulatives in their classrooms. There is also dramatic play, cooking, science activities, circle time, and free choice activities. The classes attend Specials each day for enrichment that consists of music,
movement, Spanish and art. The children play outside on our playground in all, but very cold or rainy weather.
The Threes and Pre-K attend field trips several times throughout the year. There is preschool wide chapel on Mondays led by our Senior Pastor, Reverend Zack Martin. Our chapel worship music is led by Bonnie Eaton. Additionally, our Pre-K program consists of Fundations, Read Right from the Start, Number Talks, and Heggerty – making our students very well prepared for kindergarten.
Our school is designated a Program of Excellence for Young Children by the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church Directors Association.
Speech and developmental screenings for children 3 years and older are done, at the request of parent or teacher, by the Morgan County School System Special Services staff. Individual school photos are taken in the fall and spring and full class pictures are made in the spring. Parent/Teacher conferences are held in the spring for Pre-K, or as needed for younger ages. Fundraisers are held in both the fall and spring. To see what your child is up to during the school day, each class has a private Facebook page where pictures of class activities are shared throughout the week. We have holiday and birthday parties in each class culminating in our Graduation and End of the Year celebrations.
Our daily schedule begins each morning with carpool at 8:00am and ends
promptly at 12:00 noon.