Are you or someone you know grieving the death of a loved one? The journey of grief is a painful process, and you do not need to walk it alone. We will soon begin a special seminar and support group here at Madison First UMC called GriefShare. This program provides extremely helpful materials that specifically address topics and issues for those who are grieving the death of a loved one. Our GriefShare group will begin Thursday September 5th from 6pm-8pm and will meet for 13 weeks. We will end the series with a special worship service call “the longest night service on December 19th”. The content is Christ-centered, biblical, and lead by professional counselors on video. You will find this group to be diverse and powerfully understanding the pain of your loss. You will be prayed for and learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult season of your life. For more information check out or call the church office at 706-342-3325.