A Letter to the Congregation
Dear Madison First UMC Congregation,
I’m writing a brief note to you all about the changes that happened at the General Conference last week. In short, the 40-year ban on homosexual ordination and homosexual weddings in the United Methodist buildings was lifted. At the same time, there is specific language about allowing clergy and churches to decide for themselves about these issues. In other words, there is no mandate at all to perform homosexual weddings or to hire homosexual clergy.
As we all know, there are a wide variety of opinions on these issues in our church and our community. Some are wanting to move forward to full inclusion and others would like to move more slowly or not at all. I have been praying a lot the last few days trying to clear my mind on this issue…again. My short answer is: our church has been through enough change in the last 10 months. I’m not making any more changes to how we run our church. We are just going to keep doing what we have been doing. In the words of John Wesley, “Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may.”
While many in our congregation may be ready for something new to happen – I’m trying to keep us all together. Our congregation is still healing from the split last summer. We don’t wave the pride flag out front, nor do we beat people up with the anti-homosexual passages in the Bible. We are graceful and accepting here, perhaps not as affirming as others may want. In the Bishop’s words, “Local churches can continue to serve and operate the way they have always done. There is no move to force the local church or clergy to do anything they are not prepared or willing to do.”
I don’t think any of us want to be on the front page of the paper again. Social media will always be full of people who mock and ridicule our church, but I am encouraging you to refrain from online debates. Like Jesus said, “if anyone strikes you on the cheek, turn the other also.” And lastly, just pray that whatever path those people have taken will work out for them.
If you would like to talk with me further about these issues, please give me a call or let’s have coffee. I think our future is bright as we hold the center on these issues.
Rev. Zack Martin