A Note from Jen Stewart, Lay Delegate
Thank you, Madison First UMC, for choosing me as your Lay Delegate to the North
Georgia Annual Conference. I learned a lot! The theme of the conference was
“Becoming An ACTS Church” based on Acts 2:42-44, which says: “The believers
devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to community, to their shared meals,
and their prayers. A sense of awe came over everyone. God performed many wonders
and signs through the apostles. All believers were United and shared everything.” I saw
that very thing all three days.
There was wonderful, uplifting worship services and there was mundane “taking care of
business”. Through it all, I witnessed joy, change and wonders. Part of this was
“ housekeeping” stuff – voting on many amendments to standing rules, and hearing
reports from many committees and agencies. Other things were big stuff – approving
relocating the conference office from leased property to Sugarloaf UMC. This property
became an option after that congregation could no longer maintain their campus. This
was a cost saving option because even assuming the mortgage was cheaper than
current lease payments. Another major item was redistricting the Conference from 8
districts to 5. Due to disaffiliations, this was another cost saving action. Finance
Committee, this will reduce our apportionments! As part of this, the youth delegation
noted to the conference that this change would reduce substantially the number of
their delegates from 64 (8×8) to 40 (5×8) and requested an increase in their delegates. It
was decided the number of youth delegates would be 65 (5×13). I was excited to see
our youth want to be a big part of the governing of our Church. It speaks well for the
Saturday’s devotion was, “People come and people go but the church remains”, based
on Acts 1:20b-26. This scripture dealt with the apostles, soon after Jesus had
ascended to Heaven, voting to replace the dead Judas with a new apostle, Matthias.
This theme played out on Saturday morning when several people, whose terms on
various boards and agencies were ending, were thanked for their service and their
replacements were noted. It continued in the reading of new assignments for pastors
over the various districts. I think this is as it should be – the church is bigger than any
one or any group and it will remain. Thanks be to God!