Sunday School Classes


The Seekers group is composed mostly of couples (though, singles are welcome!) in their 30s and 40s who are seeking a deeper relationship with God. Having a common ground, this group strives to create a better Christian environment for all, and it provides healthy means for coping with the daily grind.

Approximate Age Group: 30-50
Type: Mixed Adult (mostly couples)
Day: Sundays
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Epworth Chapel
Leader: Jamie Williams


Joyful Disciples are a self-taught group of couples (though, singles are welcome!) in their 40s and 50s with mostly high school and college-aged children. We enjoy Bible studies, but also look for studies which apply Biblical principles to everyday life. And we enjoy each other’s company – inside and outside of church.

Approximate Age Group: 40-60
Type: Mixed Adults
Day: Sundays
Time: 10:00 AM—10:45 AM
Location: Epworth Youth Center Classroom #1
Leader: Kathryn Cardwell


The Easter Sunday School class is made up of men and women, ages 50+. We follow the Cokesbury International Sunday School lesson with special lessons from occasional guest teachers.

Approximate Age Group: 50+
Type: Mixed Adult
Day: Sundays
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Epworth 203
Leader: Jimmy Stokes


This class is comprised of ages 55+, women and men, married or single. All are welcome. Teachings come from the Cokesbury Sunday School lessons. A rotation of four teachers lead the lessons and the group takes a collection each Sunday to support charitable causes.

Approximate Age Group: 55+
Type: Mixed Adult
Day: Sundays
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Epworth 202
Leader: Anelle Argo


Sonshiner’s Sunday School class was created for intellectually challenged teenagers and adults, as well as for others with special needs. On the 4th Sunday of each month, participants go out to eat together at a local restaurant after Sunday School. The group also goes on seasonal outings together.

Approximate Age Group: 13-Adult
Type: Special Needs
Day: Sundays
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Epworth Youth Center Classroom #3
Leader: David Burbach


The Revive Class is in their early 30s-40s led by Ruth & Rob Bearden and Julie & Steve Speyer. We review the morning’s sermon at a deeper level and check in with praises and prayer requests.

Approximate Age Group: Early 30s -40s
Type: Mostly Married
Day: Sunday Morning
Time: 10 AM
Location: Wesley Building Room 108 downstairs
Leader: Ruth Bearden & Julie Speyer


The Good News Sunday School class is a discussion-based class made up of adults age 50 and over. We choose a bible-based book by authors like Adam Hamilton, Max Lucado, and Lysa TerKeurst; read a short portion of the book at home each week; and participate in meaningful discussions to deepen our understanding of God’s Word and apply biblical principles to our lives.

Approximate Age Group: 50+
Type: All
Day: Sunday morning
Time: 10:00
Location: Epworth Room 201
Leader: Katie Anderson