Job Review
Our Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) and I just completed our annual job reviews for our 10 employees. I don’t think many people love job reviews. It’s an easy process that may make us uneasy.
SPRC uses a form with five standard questions: “What are you strengths, accomplishments, growth/development areas, future goals, and how can the church help.” We all squirm a little as we share, but at the end of the review I believe we have clearer communication. Especially on the growing areas or development area question. It’s a good practice all organizations ought to do.
What if our Christian discipleship was subject to an annual review? That is to say, if being a Christian is our job, what would that job review look like? Would we squirm a little as we answer the questions? Imagine Jesus as your supervisor and it’s time for the annual review. You’re seated in the heavenly office and both of you have these standard questions in front of you.
Answer them now:
PERFORMANCE STRENGTHS: What qualities do you possess that helps you obtain his/her current level of success as a Christian disciple?
SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: List any significant accomplishments or achieved in the past year as a Christian disciple.
AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT: List any skills, knowledge, or experiences that might enhance the performance of your job as a disciple.
GOALS: List any personal, professional, and/or spiritual development goals you wish to achieve as a disciple.
HELP: How can the church you achieve your goals and areas for development?
I wonder what Jesus would say. For me, Jesus would know all my strengths and accomplishments. He would have a long list of areas for development in my life. Goal setting would challenge me to do actually do something about my life. The truth is that someday we will all have a final review. I hope we all get glowing recommendations!